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Chapter 4 Video

Of the following, which would be the most significant benefits associated with Cell Phones for Soldiers, according to Brittany and Robbie?
A)Financial gains
B)Corporate social responsibility
C)Satisfaction associated with volunteerism
D)Awards that they have won
E)The experience to start a successful company
Of the following, which is not one of the six elements associated with improving America's business ethics?
A)Top management must adopt a code of ethics
B)Employees understand what is expected of them
C)Outsiders are informed about the company's ethics programs
D)Ethics codes are enforced
E)All of the above are elements that must be enforced
Which of the following is not one of the four elements of corporate social responsibility?
A)Corporate philanthropy
B)Corporate social initiatives
C)Corporate responsibility
D)Corporate policy
E)Social responsibility executive

Nickels: Undstd Business 9eOnline Learning Center

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