¿Sabías que... ? 5/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
¿Sabías que... ?: Beginning Spanish, 5/e

Bill VanPatten
James F. Lee, University of New South Wales (Australia)
Terry L. Ballman, California State University, Channel Islands
Andrew P. Farley, Texas Tech University

ISBN: 0073513164
Copyright year: 2008


We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions to the ¿Sabías que... ? Online Learning Center.
  • Dr. Gayle Vierma (University of Southern California) and Dr. Deborah Gill (Pennsylvania State University, Dubois) wrote the original vocabulary and grammar quizzes.
  • Julie Sellers (University of Wyoming) wrote the original Vamos a ver activities.
  • Pennie Nichols updated the vocabulary, grammar, and cultural quizzes for this Fifth Edition.

To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative. If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.