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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
University Physics with Modern Physics Companion Site, 2/e

Wolfgang Bauer, Michigan State University
Gary D. Westfall, Michigan State University

ISBN: 0073513881
Copyright year: 2014

About the Authors

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Wolfgang Bauer was born in Germany and obtained his Ph.D. in theoretical nuclear physics from the University of Giessen in 1987. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the California Institute of Technology, he joined the faculty at Michigan State University in 1988, with a dual appointment at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL). He has worked on a large variety of topics in theoretical and computational physics, from high-temperature superconductivity to supernova explosions, but has been especially interested in relativistic nuclear collisions. He is probably best known for his work on phase transitions of nuclear matter in heavy ion collisions. In recent years, Dr. Bauer has focused much of his research and teaching on issues concerning energy, including fossil fuel resources, ways to use energy more efficiently, and, in particular, alternative and carbon-neutral energy resources. In 2009, he founded the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research and served as its first director until 2013. He presently serves as chairperson of the Department of Physics and Astronomy and is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University.

Gary D. Westfall started his career at the Center for Nuclear Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, where he completed his Ph.D. in experimental nuclear physics in 1975. From there he went to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, California, to conduct his post-doctoral work in high-energy nuclear physics and then stayed on as a staff scientist. While he was at LBNL, Dr. Westfall became internationally known for his work on the nuclear fireball model and the use of fragmentation to produce nuclei far from stability. In 1981, Dr. Westfall joined the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University (MSU) as a research professor; there he conceived, constructed, and ran the MSU 4π Detector. His research using the 4π Detector produced information concerning the response of nuclear matter as it is compressed in a supernova collapse. In 1987, Dr. Westfall joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at MSU while continuing to carry out his research at NSCL. In 1994, Dr. Westfall joined the STAR Collaboration, which is carrying out experiments at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York. In 2003, he was named University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University.

The Westfall/Bauer Partnership Drs. Bauer and Westfall have collaborated on nuclear physics research and on physics education research for more than two decades. The partnership started in 1988, when both authors were speaking at the same conference and decided to go downhill skiing together after the session. On this occasion, Westfall recruited Bauer to join the faculty at Michigan State University (in part by threatening to push him off the ski lift if he declined). They obtained NSF funding to develop novel teaching and laboratory techniques, authored multimedia physics CDs for their students at the Lyman Briggs School, and co-authored a textbook on CD-ROM, called cliXX Physik. In 1992, they became early adopters of the Internet for teaching and learning by developing the first version of their online homework system. In subsequent years, they were instrumental in creating the LearningOnline Network with CAPA, which is now used at more than 70 universities and colleges in the United States and around the world. Since 2008, Bauer and Westfall have been part of a team of instructors, engineers, and physicists, who investigate the use of peer-assisted learning in the introductory physics curriculum. This project has received funding from the NSF STEM Talent Expansion Program, and its best practices have been incorporated into this textbook.

Dedication This book is dedicated to our families. Without their patience, encouragement, and support, we could never have completed it.

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