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Chapter Summary
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    1. Visual Studio .NET uses Microsoft’s ADO.NET technology to access databases in many different formats.
    2. ADO.NET provides several types of connections for databases: OleDb, SQL Server, Odbc, and Oracle.
    3. Databases are composed of tables of related information. Each table is organized into rows representing records and columns containing fields of data.
    4. The primary key field uniquely identifies a row or record.
    5. ADO.NET stores and transfers data using a format called XML (Extensible Markup Language), which can be used by many different platforms.
    6. Many controls can be bound to a database including labels, text boxes, list boxes, or a DataGridView.
    7. A binding source establishes a link to a data source, which is a specific data file or server.
    8. A table adapter handles the transfer of data between a data source and a dataset.
    9. A dataset stores information from the database in the memory of the computer. A dataset can contain multiple tables and their relationships.
    10. You can create datasets by using the configuration wizard that displays when Add New Data Source is selected from the Data menu or the Data Sources window.
    11. A table adapter uses an SQL SELECT statement to specify the data to retrieve.
    12. You can add a DataGridView to a form and automatically bind the grid to a data source.
    13. The dataset’s schema is defined in the .xsd file that appears in the project folder.
    14. To bind individual controls to data fields, select Details for the table in the Data Sources window and drag the table to the form.
    15. You can select a different type of control to display bound data in the Data Sources window.
    16. It is common to allow the user to select a value from a list and then display the data values for the selected item in bound labels.
    17. To use a bound combo box for selection, you must set its DataSource and DisplayMember properties. You also should set the DataSourceUpdate- Mode to Never.
    18. You can select a subset of the fields in a table for a dataset.
    19. In a Web database application, you must be very aware of the security requirements.
    20. Each selection from a list requires a postback to the server to fill the bound controls. You must set the AutoPostBack property of the drop-down list to true to make the postback occur.
    21. A Web selection program requires a parameterized query to retrieve the data matching the list selection. The Windows program does not have the same requirement.

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