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Chapter Summary
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    1. You can add a using statement to the top of a file to include the namespace, so that you do not have to fully qualify references to classes in the namespace.
    2. A stream object is used to transfer data to and from a data file. The StreamWriter outputs (writes) the data and the StreamReader inputs (reads) data.
    3. The constructors for a StreamWriter and StreamReader take the name of the file, with an optional path, as a parameter.
    4. The WriteLine method writes a data line to disk.
    5. A Close method should be used as soon as you are done with the stream. Make sure the stream is closed prior to the termination of a program that uses streams.
    6. The Peek method looks at the next element, which allows testing for the end of the file. The Peek method returns –1 at the end of file.
    7. List box data may be saved to a stream. The Items collection should be filled in the Form_Load method if the file exists. Any changes are saved back to the file when the program terminates.
    8. A boolean variable is used to track whether changes have been made to the data.
    9. The form’s FormClosing event handler is a good location for the code to prompt the users whether to save any changes.
    10. The OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog components can be used to display the Open File and Save As dialog boxes and allow the user to select the filename.
    11. C# contains classes for accessing XML files in the System.Xml namespace. Using properties and methods, you can access the elements of an XML file.

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