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Chapter Summary
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    1. Text boxes are used primarily for user input. The Text property holds the value input by the user. You also can assign a literal to the Text property during design time or run time.
    2. A MaskedTextBox has a Mask property that allows you to specify the data type and format of the input data.
    3. A RichTextBox is a specialized text box that allows additional formatting to the text.
    4. Both text boxes and rich text boxes have Multiline and WordWrap properties that can allow a long Text property to wrap to multiple lines. The text will wrap to the width of the control, which must be tall enough to display multiple lines. A New Line character (\n) can be included in the text to specify the location to split the line.
    5. Group boxes are used as containers for other controls and to group like items on a form.
    6. Check boxes and radio buttons allow the user to make choices. In a group of radio buttons, only one can be selected; but in a group of check boxes, any number of the boxes may be selected.
    7. The current state of check boxes and radio buttons is stored in the Checked property; the CheckedChanged event occurs when the user clicks on one of the controls.
    8. Picture box controls hold a graphic, which is assigned to the Image property. Set the SizeMode property to StretchImage to make the image resize to fit the control.
    9. TheResources tab of the Project Designer can be used to add, remove, and rename images in the project Resources folder.
    10. The BorderStyle property of many controls can be set to None, FixedSingle, or Fixed3D, to determine whether the control appears flat or threedimensional.
    11. Forms and controls can display images from the project’s resources. Use the form’s BackgroundImage property and a control’s Image property.
    12. Use a Label control to create a line on a form.
    13. You can select multiple controls and treat them as a group, including setting common properties at once, moving them, or aligning them.
    14. Make your programs easier to use by following Windows standard guidelines for colors, control size and placement, access keys, Accept and Cancel buttons, and tab order.
    15. Define keyboard access keys by including an ampersand in the Text property of buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, and labels.
    16. Set the AcceptButton property of the form to the desired button so that the user can press Enter to select the button. If you set the form’s CancelButton property to a button, that button will be selected when the user presses the Esc key.
    17. The focus moves from control to control as the user presses the Tab key. The sequence for tabbing is determined by the TabIndex properties of the controls. The Tab key stops only on controls that have their TabStop property set to true and are enabled.
    18. Set the form’s location on the screen by setting the StartPosition property.
    19. Add a ToolTip control to a form and then set the ToolTip on toolTip1 property of a control to make a ToolTip appear when the user pauses the mouse pointer over the control. You can set properties of the ToolTip component to modify the background, foreground, shape, and an icon for the ToolTips.
    20. Clear the Text property of a text box or a label by setting it to an empty string. Text boxes also can be cleared using the Clear method.
    21. To make a control have the focus, which makes it the active control, use the Focus method. Using the Focus method of a text box makes the insertion point appear in the text box. You cannot set the focus to a disabled control.
    22. You can set the Checked property of a radio button or check box at run time and also set the Visible property of controls in code.
    23. Controls can be disabled by setting the Enabled property to false.
    24. Change the color of text in a control by changing its ForeColor property.
    25. You can use the color constants to change colors during run time.
    26. Joining two strings of text is called concatenation and is accomplished by placing a plus sign between the two elements.

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