Basic Statistics for BEC
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Basic Statistics for Business and Economics, 8/e

Douglas A. Lind, Coastal Carolina University
William G. Marchal, University of Toledo
Samuel A. Wathen, Coastal Carolina University

ISBN: 0073521477
Copyright year: 2013


Instructor's Supplements:

IRCD (IM/TB/PPT) to accompany Basic Statistics for Business and Economics 0077416759: The instructor’s Resource CD allows instructors easy access to the Instructor’s Solutions Manual, PowerPoint slides, the Test Bank in both Word and EZ Test formats, data files and data sets.

Online Learning The Online Learning Center (OLC) provides the instructor with a complete Instructor’s Solutions Manual in Word format, the complete Test Bank in both Word files and computerized EZ Test format, Instructor PowerPoint slides, text art files, an introduction to ALEKS®, an introduction to McGraw-Hill Connect Business StatisticsTM, access to Visual Statistics, and more.

EZ-TEST All test bank questions are available in an EZ Test Online. Included are a number of multiple choice, true/false, and short-answer questions and problems. The answers to all questions are given, along with a rating of the level of difficulty, chapter goal the question tests, Bloom’s taxonomy question type, and the AACSB knowledge category.

Student's Supplements

CourseSmart is a convenient way to find and buy eTextbooks. CourseSmart has the largest selection of eTextbooks available anywhere, offering thousands of the most commonly adopted textbooks from a wide variety of higher-education publishers. Course Smart eTextbooks are available in one standard online reader with full text search, notes and highlighting, and e-mail tools for sharing notes between classmates. Visit for more information on ordering.

ALEKS is an assessment and learning program that provides individualized instruction in Business Statistics, Business Math, and Accounting. Available online in partnership with McGraw-Hill/lrwin, ALEKS interacts with students much like a skilled human tutor, with the ability to assess precisely a student’s knowledge and provide instruction on the exact topics the student is most ready to learn. By providing topics to meet individual students’ needs, allowing students to move between explanation and practice, correcting and analyzing errors, and defining terms, ALEKS helps students to master course content quickly and easily. To learn more about ALEKS, visit

Online Learning Center OLC provides students with the following content:

  • Quizzes
  • Guided Examples (*Available thru Connect only)
  • PowerPoint
  • Data sets/files
  • Narrated PowerPoint
  • Appendixes
  • Screencam tutorials

Instructors: To experience this product firsthand, contact your McGraw-Hill Education Learning Technology Specialist.