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Multiple Choice Quiz
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A F-statistic is used to test the hypothesis that:
A)MSE equals 0.
B)two population variances are equal.
C)a z-statistic is greater than 0.
D)a z statistic less than a t statistic.
The shape of a F-distribution is:
A)positively skewed.
C)negatively skewed.
A one-way ANOVA is a statistical technique used to test a null hypothesis of equal population:
In a one-way ANOVA, the F test statistic is the ratio of the:
A)treatment and error mean squares.
B)total and error mean squares.
C)total and treatment squares.
D)two treatment variances.
Which of the following is a characteristic of the F distribution?
A)It is a discrete distribution.
B)It cannot be positive.
C)It is based on the ratio of two population variances.
D)It is the ratio of two population means.
In an ANOVA table, the term "Treatment" refers to:
A)a source of variation.
B)the numerator degrees of freedom.
C)the variation within the cells.
D)error variation.
Suppose we want to test the effect of three treatments. We randomly assign 6 observations to each treatment. For an ANOVA, the treatment and error degrees of freedom are:
A)3 and 6.
B)3 and 18.
C)2 and 15.
D)2 and 18.
The term MSE is:
A)the treatment mean square.
B)the error mean square.
C)an estimate of the common sample variance.
D)an estimate of the population mean.
ANOVA requires that the:
A)populations are normally distributed.
B)populations have equal means.
C)samples are dependent.
D)population variances are not equal.
When will the computed value of F be negative?
A)When there is no difference in the treatment means.
B)When there is no difference in the block means.
C)When the SS total is larger than SST.
D)F cannot be negative.
Suppose we conduct an ANOVA to test for differences between four treatment means. The null hypothesis is rejected. Construction of a confidence interval for the difference between the first and second sample means is (<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg::::/sites/dl/free/0073521477/944524/ch12_q11.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (4.0K)</a>). From this information we know:
A)this pair of means is statistically different.
B)this pair of means is not statistically different.
C)the null hypothesis was not rejected.
D)the error degrees of freedom equal 27.
If H0 1 = µ 2 = µ 3 = µ 4 is rejected, we conclude that:
A)all treatment means are not equal.
B)three of the treatment means are not equal.
C)at least one pair of treatment means is not equal.
D)all treatment variances are not equal.

Basic Statistics for BECOnline Learning Center

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