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Review Questions
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  1. Define engineering geometry and describe its importance to engineering design.

  2. Describe how coordinate space relates to engineering design.

  3. Explain the right-hand rule, using sketches.

  4. How is a curved line different from a straight line?

  5. Describe an engineering application for a parabola and for a hyperbola.

  6. What is the difference between a plane and a surface?

  7. List six quadrilaterals.

  8. Define concentric circles.

  9. Define a tangent.

  10. Describe an engineering application for an ellipse.

  11. List and sketch four polygonal prisms.

  12. Define a warped surface.

  13. List the major categories of geometric forms.

  14. Sketch and label the various conditions that can occur between two lines.

  15. Sketch and label the various tangent conditions that can occur between lines and curves and between two curves.

  16. Sketch a circle and label the important parts.

  17. Describe the process of sketching and constraining engineering geometry for 3-D modeling.

  18. List and define freeform curves.

  19. Describe fractals.

  20. What is the minimum information needed to define a true wireframe model? Is there enough information in a wireframe model to determine which edges are hidden?

  21. Describe the four common methods used to create 3-D surfaces.

  22. Early technical drawings were often crude and hard to understand until the development of a formal projection system that occurred during what period of time?

Chapter 3 Review Questions (23.0K)

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