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Table of Contents

Introduction to Geography, 13/e

Arthur Getis, San Diego State University
Judith Getis
Mark Bjelland, Gustavus Adolphus College
Jerome D. Fellmann, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

ISBN: 0073522872
Copyright year: 2011

Table of Contents

Table of Contents (443.0K)

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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Maps
Part 1 The Earth Science Tradition
Chapter 3 Physical Geography: Landforms
Chapter 4 Physical Geography: Weather and Climate
Chapter 5 The Geography of Natural Resources
Part 2 The Culture-Environment Tradition
Chapter 6 Population Geography
Chapter 7 Cultural Geography
Chapter 8 Spatial Interaction
Chapter 9 Political Geography
Part 3 The Local Tradition
Chapter 10 Economic Geography
Chapter 11 An Urban World
Chapter 12 Human Impact on the Environment
Part 4 The Area Analysis Tradition
Chapter 13 The Regional Concept

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