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Chapter Quiz
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The law of demand holds for loans, so that when the interest rate rises,
A)The quantity of loans demanded falls.
B)The quantity of loans supplied falls.
C)The quantity of loans demanded rises.
D)The quantity of loans supplied rises.
As the interest rate rises, lenders are willing to supply __________ loans.
A)larger and larger
D)only the least risky
A financial intermediary collects money from __________ and funnels the funds to __________.
A)the suppliers of capital; the users of capital
B)the users of capital; banks
C)the suppliers of capital; the government
D)borrowers; lenders
Venture capital firms generally provide funds to
A)established businesses.
B)risky start-up businesses.
C)government agencies.
D)manufacturing companies.
The risk–return principle holds that the only way to get higher expected returns over the long run is to
A)take fewer risks.
B)take more risks.
C)diversify your risks.
D)find the risk equilibrium.
The total return on a share of stock is equal to the
A)change in the stock price, plus the dividend, divided by the original price.
B)change in the dividend, plus the change in the stock price, minus the original price.
C)change in the stock price divided by the dividend.
D)current price of the stock, minus the original price, plus the dividend.
Which of the following markets is not counted among the financial intermediaries?
A)The bond market.
B)The stock market.
C)The mortgage market.
D)All of these markets are financial intermediaries.
One of the benefits to the economy of having multiple types of financial intermediaries is
A)more competition.
B)more oversight.
C)easier application of financial system regulations.
D)slower movement of capital from lenders to borrowers.
Bubbles occur in financial markets when investors believe that prices that have been
A)rising will continue to rise.
B)falling will continue to fall.
C)rising will begin to fall.
D)falling will begin to rise.
In the late 1990s, there was a bubble in the
A)housing market.
B)stock market.
C)bond market.
D)Beanie Baby market.

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