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Recursive Algorithms

We introduced recursion in Chapter 6 and showed how to write recursive methods to implement mathematical functions. We used mathematical functions in Chapter 6 because it is easier to see how the recursion works with mathematical functions. However, recursive methods are not limited to implementing mathematical functions, and we will present several nonnumerical recursive algorithms in this chapter. We will also discuss some criteria for deciding when to use recursion and when not to. All the recursive algorithms we provide in this chapter, other than those we use for explanation, are algorithms that should be written recursively.

O b j e c t i v e s

After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to

Write recursive algorithms for mathematical functions and nonnumerical operations.

Decide when to use recursion and when not to.

Describe the recursive quicksort algorithm and explain how its performance is better than that of selection and bubble sort algorithms.

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