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Stack ADT

We continue our study of ADTs with the Stack ADT in this chapter. As we did in Chapter 18, we start with the definition of the Stack ADT and present two different implementations. We conclude the chapter with sample applications of the Stack ADT.

The Stack ADT is modeled after a physical stack of items, such as a stack of pancakes or a stack of plates. If you were asked to remove any plate from a stack of plates, which one would you remove? The topmost one, of course. Similarly, the most effortless place to add a new plate is at the top of the stack. Like its physical counterpart, the defining feature of the Stack ADT is its restrictive insertion and removal operations. An item can only be added to the top of the stack, and only the topmost item of the stack can be removed. Because of this restriction, the Stack ADT is quite simple. And consequently, its implementations are relatively straightforward, compared to the List ADT. As simple as it may be, the Stack ADT is remarkably versatile and useful in many diverse types of applications.

O b j e c t i v e s

After you have read and studied this chapter, you should be able to

Describe the key features of the Queue ADT.

Implement the Queue ADT by using an array.

Implement the Queue ADT by using a linked list.

Explain the key differences between the array and linked implementations of the Queue ADT.

Implement a special type of queue called a priority queue.

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