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Chapter Summary
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Decisions, decisions, decisions. From the moment we are awake until the time we go to sleep, we are making decisions. Should I eat cereal or toast? What should I wear to school today? Should I eat at the cafeteria today? And so forth. We make many of these decisions by evaluating some criteria. If the number of students in line for registration seems long, then come back tomorrow for another try. If today is Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, then eat lunch at the cafeteria.

Computer programs are no different. Any practical computer program contains many statements that make decisions. Often a course of action is determined by evaluating some kind of a test (e.g., Is the remaining balance of a meal card below the minimum?). Statements in programs are executed in sequence, which is called sequential execution or sequential control flow. However, we can add decision-making statements to a program to alter this control flow. For example, we can add a statement that causes a portion of a program to be skipped if an input value is greater than 100. Or we can add a statement to disallow the purchase of food items if the balance of a meal card goes below a certain minimum. The statement that alters the control flow is called a control statement. In this chapter we describe some important control statements, called selection statements. In Chapter 6 we will describe other control statements, called repetition statements.

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