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Web Resources
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The Cave of Lascaux
This website offers historical information about and a virtual tour of the French cave of Lascaux, which houses some of the finest and most famous examples of prehistoric art.

The Venus of Willendorf
This website reproduces an essay by Dr. Christopher L. C. E. Whitcombe, a professor of art history, in which he analyzes the purpose and significance of the Venus of Willendorf, and compares it to other cultural representations of women during various eras.

Venus Figures from the Stone Age
This website displays several Venus figures from different Stone Age cultures, and contains background information about each one. Visitors to the site can view each figure from a number of perspectives.

CDLI: Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative
This website compiles images of and some bibliographic information about cuneiform tablets held at numerous different institutions. The site is a work in progress, but offers visitors the opportunity to examine tablets produced by various Mesopotamian cultures.

Academy for Ancient Texts: Mesopotamian Texts Archive
This website provides English translations of several important ancient Mesopotamian texts including The Babylonian Epic of Creation (Enuma Elish), The Code of Hammurabi, and The Epic of Gilgamesh. The site houses ancient texts from other cultural regions as well.

The Virtual Egyptian Museum
This website displays images of a variety of Ancient Egyptian artifacts—from elaborate sarcophagi to common tools—accompanied by a wealth of background information.

NOVA Online: Mysteries of the Nile
This website contains a variety of information, including timelines, cross sections of pyramids, and interactive features, such as video tours of the Sphinx and the pyramids.

Tribal Arts Review: Africa
This website, maintained by Professor Ron Johnson, contains images of items produced by various ancient African cultures, including the Nok of present-day Nigeria, as well as early-modern European representations of African peoples and modern photographs.

The Olmec World: Ritual and Rulership
This website reprints the catalog of an exhibition of Olmec art displayed in 1996. The text provides an overview of the style and purpose of Olmec art, and is accompanied by a number of illustrations.

Internet Sacred Text Archive: Hinduism
This online library of sacred texts includes a section of Indian writings such as the Mahabharata and the Ramayana (both of which are presented in both English and Sanskrit), as well as the Vedas and the Upanishads.

Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse
This website compiles dozens of versions of the Dao de jing (or Tao Te King) in numerous languages, including many in English. One of its features allows visitors to contrast different versions of the text side by side.

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