Teachers, Schools & Soc Brief
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education

David Miller Sadker, American University
Karen R. Zittleman, American University

ISBN: 0073525839
Copyright year: 2007

Feature Summary

  • Eleven Essential Chapters: Organized for balanced coverage of foundational, curricular, and professional topics, the brief edition provides maximum teaching flexibility while assuring coverage of crucial content areas.
  • Companion Electronic Reader: An expansive student CD includes contemporary, thought-provoking readings as well as historically significant excerpts, each keyed to specific chapter content. In addition, each chapter is accompanied by case studies based on actual school events, which help students confront significant educational questions and dilemmas. The readings and case studies come accompanied by analysis questions.
  • Teacher's Edition: The Annotated Instructor's Edition is an all-in-one guide to everything that supports teaching and learning with the brief edition, suggesting to instructors how and when to take advantage of all of the book's supplements (including a text-specific website, video, student CD reader, Instructor’s Manual, PowerPoint slides, and overhead transparencies all developed by the text's authors).
  • Classroom Video Observations: Each chapter contains a link to an online video observation, which allows students to view real classroom situations that highlight the chapter concepts. From classroom management to tough conversations with parents, the video asks students to consider their own reactions to educational realities. Each clip is accompanied by a description of its contents as well as reflection questions that assist students in developing thoughtful responses to actual classroom situations.
  • Focus on Fairness: Issues of social justice and equity are at the core of Teachers, School, and Society. The text examines the racial, economic, social, and gender issues that erect barriers to equal opportunity, and, in Chapter 5, presents a chronological overview of the educational struggles of selected groups of Americans.
  • Diverse Voices and Experiences: Issues of multicultural education and diversity in learning are treated as fundamental and are infused from the very first chapter ("The Teaching Profession and You") to the very last one ("Becoming an Effective Teacher"). The authors argue that only through recognizing and appreciating diversity can teaching be both effective and joyful.
  • Standards and Testing: Important legislation and policies are thoroughly addressed with coverage of the "No Child Left Behind" act, the Standards Movement, and alternatives to high-stakes testing.
  • Connections to INTASC Principles and PRAXIS™ Content: "INTASC Reflective Activities" and "Your Portfolio (RAP)" sections conclude each part, helping students apply content and develop portfolio artifacts that demonstrate their understanding of INTASC principles. Study tools to aid preparation for the PRAXIS™ II are available on the Online Learning Center.
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