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School Governance Quiz
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The following quiz should help you focus on how schools are governed. If you are puzzled by some of these questions, feat not; the second part of Chapter 10 is organized around a discussion of these questions and their answers.

Most school board members are
A)conservative, white, male and middle or upper class.
B)liberal, middle-class women, about half of whom have been or are teachers.
C)middle of the road politically, about evenly divided between men and women, and representing all socioeconomic classes.
D)so diverse politically, economically, and socially that it is impossible to make generalizations.
State school boards and chief state schools officers are
A)elected by the people.
B)elected by the people's representatives.
C)appointed by the governor.
D)appointed by officials other than the governor.
E)All of the above.
F)None of the above.
During the past two decades, control and influence over education have increased at the
A)Federal level.
B)State level.
C)Local level.
Which of the following statements is untrue. Local school district superintendents are
A)often mediating conflicts.
B)civil service-type administrators.
C)elected officials.
D)sometimes powerless figureheads.
Which of the TWO might be considered part of the "hidden school government"?
  1. The school principal
  2. The state school superintendent
  3. The U.S. secretary of education
  4. The school secretary
  5. Parents
  6. The Teacher Arbitration and Labor Relations Board
A)a and c
B)a and b
C)b and c
D)a and e
E)d and e
The influence of the business community in U.S. schools can best be characterized as
A)virtually nonexistent.
B)felt only in vocational and commercial programs.
C)extensive and growing.
D)a recent phenomenon.
In most schools, teachers are expected to
A)design the policies guiding their schools.
B)collaborate with principals and district officials to create policies to suit their schools.
C)comply with policies made by principals and by district and state officials.
D)comply with policies that seem appropriate and change those that do not.

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