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Questions for Critical Thinking
(See related pages)

  1. What might have happened if radio had developed during the 1930s—the Depression years—instead of the Roaring Twenties?

  2. What formats might radio stations have developed if rock and roll had not come along?

  3. The radio industry is highly concentrated. Consolidation may have helped radio's bottom line, but is the listener better served? Why or why not?

  4. Listen to the radio stations in your market. Are there audience segments in the market that are not being served?

  5. Read "Critical/Cultural Issues: Radio and the Local Community", and consider the following: What effect might the Internet have on the amount of local news, information, and other services in a given community? Will the Internet allow access to "those voices which cannot gain any serious measure of volume elsewhere"? Who owns the radio stations in your hometown? How do the locally owned stations compare with those that are corporate owned?

  6. Compare traditional radio listening with listening to a station via a mobile app. How are they different?

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