| Musical Guided Tours (See related pages)
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- Musical Guided Tour:
The Gamelan Beleganjur (19347.0K) (Chapter 7) - *Musical Guided Tour: "An Introduction to Indian Music" (Ravi Shankar) (Chapter 8) (*located on the CD set: CD ex. #2-11)
- Musical Guided Tour:
Irish Traditional Dance Tunes (4468.0K) (Chapter 9) - Musical Guided Tour:
Instruments and Basic Rhythmic Patterns in Fontomfrom Music (13192.0K) (Chapter 10) - Musical Guided Tour:
Latin Percussion Rhythms of the Cha Cha Chá (2049.0K) (Chapter 11) - *Musical Guided Tour: Demonstration of Dum and Tek Drum Strokes (Hossam Ramzy) (Chapter 12) (*located on the CD set: CD ex. #3-10)
- Musical Guided Tour:
The Zheng (4873.0K) (Chapter 13)