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Chapter Glossary
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competencies  A manager's skills, values, and motivational preferences.
conceptual skills  The ability to see the big picture.
controlling  The process of monitoring performance against goals, intervening when goals are not met, and taking corrective action.
developing employees  The task of hiring, training, mentoring, and rewarding employees in an organization, including other managers.
enacted values  Values that actually guide behavior.
espoused values  What people say is important to them.
ethical values  Values that society expects people to follow because they distinguish right from wrong in that society.
frontline managers  Managers who manage employees who are themselves not managers.
functional managers  Managers responsible for leading a particular function or a subunit within a function.
general managers  Managers responsible for the overall performance of an organization or one of its major self-contained subunits or divisions.
human capital  The knowledge, skills, and capabilities embedded in individuals.
human skills  Skills that managers need, including the abilities to communicate, persuade, manage conflict, motivate, coach, negotiate, and lead.
incentive  A factor, monetary or nonmonetary, that motivates individuals to pursue a particular course of action; also, a device used to encourage and reward appropriate employee behavior.
leading  The process of motivating, influencing, and directing others in the organization to work productively in pursuit of organization goals.
management  The art of getting things done through people.
managerial roles  Specific behaviors associated with the task of management.
organizing  The process of deciding who within the organization will perform what tasks, where decisions will be made, who reports to whom, and how different parts of the organization will coordinate their activities to pursue a common goal.
personalized power orientation  Seeking power for personal gain.
planning  A process whereby managers select goals, choose actions (strategies) to attain those goals, allocate responsibility for implementing actions to specific individuals or units, measure the success of actions by comparing actual results against the goals, and revise plans accordingly.
shared values  Values held in common by several people.
socialized power orientation  Accumulating power to achieve social or organizational objectives.
strategizing  The process of thinking through on a continual basis what strategies an organization should pursue to attain its goals.
strategy  An action that managers take to attain the goals of an organization.
technical skills  Skills that include mastery of specific equipment or following technical procedures.
values  Stable, evaluative beliefs that guide our preferences for outcomes or courses of action in a variety of situations; the philosophical priorities to which managers are committed.

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