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absolute advantage  Theory that a nation has absolute advantage when it can produce a larger amount of a good or service for the same amount of inputs as can another country or when it can produce the same amount of a good or service using fewer inputs than could another country
ad valorem duty  An import duty levied as a percentage of the invoice value of imported goods
comparative advantage  Theory that a nation having absolute disadvantages in the production of two goods with respect to another nation has a comparative or relative advantage in the production of the good in which its absolute disadvantage is less
compound duty  A combination of specific and ad valorem duties
countervailing duties  Additional import taxes levied on imports that have benefited from export subsidies
cross investment  Foreign direct investment by oligopolistic firms in each other's home countries as a defense measure
currency devaluation  The lowering of a currency's price in terms of other currencies
dumping  Selling a product abroad for less than the cost of production, the price in the home market, or the price to third countries
dynamic capability  Theory that for a firm to successfully invest overseas, it must have not only ownership of unique knowledge or resources but the ability to dynamically create and exploit these capabilities over time
eclectic theory of international production  Theory that for a firm to invest overseas, it must have three kinds of advantages: ownership-specific, internalization, and location-specific
exchange rate  The price of one currency stated in terms of another currency
factor endowment  Heckscher-Ohlin theory that countries export products requiring large amounts of their abundant production factors and import products requiring large amounts of their scarce production factors
internalization theory  An extension of the market imperfection theory: the concept that to obtain a higher return on its investment, a firm will transfer its superior knowledge to a foreign subsidiary rather than sell it in the open market
international product life cycle (IPLC)  A theory explaining why a product that begins as a nation's export eventually becomes its import
mercantilism  An economic philosophy based on the belief that (1) a nation's wealth depends on accumulated treasure, usually gold, and (2) to increase wealth, government policies should promote exports and discourage imports
monopolistic advantage theory  Theory that foreign direct investment is made by firms in oligopolistic industries possessing technical and other advantages over indigenous firms
national competitiveness  A nation's relative ability to design, produce, distribute, or service products within an international trading context while earning increasing returns on its resources
nontariff barriers (NTBs)  All forms of discrimination against imports other than import duties
orderly marketing arrangements  Formal agreements between exporting and importing countries that stipulate the import or export quotas each nation will have for a good
quotas  Numerical limits placed on specific classes of imports
specific duty  A fixed sum levied on a physical unit of an imported good
subsidies  Financial contributions, provided directly or indirectly by a government, which confer a benefit; include grants, preferential tax treatment, and government assumption of normal business expenses
tariffs  Taxes on imported goods for the purpose of raising their price to reduce competition for local producers or stimulate local production
variable levy  An import duty set at the difference between world market prices and local government-supported prices
voluntary export restraints (VERs)  Export quotas imposed by the exporting nation

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