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Annie Dillard
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This is a good start page from the New York Times. On it you'll find a photo and lots of links to articles about and by Dillard, discussing her life and her work. (Free registration required.)

Want some more information about Dillard's working life? Click here for her homepage at Wesleyan University. It has a photo, some information about her work, and a brief biography.


Dillard's written a book about writing called The Writing Life. The author of this review generally likes Dillard's work, but not this book. Read the review and decide whether you'd like to pursue The Writing Life further. (Free registration required.)

Interested in pursuing the mystical and spiritual aspects of Dillard's work? This essay from examines her writing in the light of “ecotheology” and is well worth a careful look.


If you're interested in reading more of Dillard's work, go to this link. This page has an excerpt from her personal narrative For the Time Being.

How about some quotations by Dillard? Would you feel comfortable using these in a paper about the author? Why or why not? How would you cite them? If you don't know, how would you find out?

This interview from has the author discussing a then new genre for her, the novel. Did you know that Dillard was also a novelist? Well, read the interview and you'll learn something about the process of writing The Living.

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