Deux mondes 6/e
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
Deux mondes: A Communicative Approach, 6/e

Tracy D. Terrell
Mary Rogers
Betsy Kerr, University of Minnesota
Guy Spielmann, Georgetown University

ISBN: 0073535443
Copyright year: 2009

Deux mondes is widely regarded as the most communicative text available for beginning French courses. Based on the Natural Approach, developed by Tracy Terrell and Stephen Krashen, Deux mondes, Sixth Edition, offers beginning language students a way to develop language proficiency, especially in listening and speaking, which allows students to participate in real conversations at a very early stage. The Natural Approach in general, and Deux mondes, Sixth Edition, in particular, present material inductively (so that the activities drive the grammar) and in the context of culturally rich themes and topics. This text clearly sets itself apart from the competition: with Deux mondes, students quickly become excited about their rapid growth in comprehension and vocabulary acquisition and enjoy speaking in the non-threatening environment made possible by the activity formats.

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