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Learning Objectives
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After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

1. Define and apply the theoretical principals of geometric intersections.

2. Identify, define, and apply the intersection of lines and planes using the edge view of a plane method.

3. Determine the correct visibility between two surfaces.

4. Identify, define, and create the intersection of a plane and a solid using the projection method.

5. Identify, define, and create the intersection of a plane and a solid using the auxiliary view method.

6. Identify, define, and create the intersection of two planes.

7. Identify, define, and create the intersection of two solids.

8. Define and apply the theoretical principals of geometric developments.

9. Identify and classify the various types of developments.

10. Identify, define, and create developments of various solids, intersection of solids, and transition pieces.

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