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Chapter Outline
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Sketching is an important method of quickly communicating design ideas; therefore, learning to sketch is necessary for any person working in a technical field. Sketching is as much a way of thinking as it is a method of recording ideas and communicating to others. Executives, engineers, technicians, and non-technical people, from children to adults, use sketches to represent new ideas. Sketching is a form of documentation in the early, ideation phase of engineering design. Most new designs are first recorded using design sketches.

It is important to emphasize to the students the role that sketching plays in the engineering design process and how technical sketching differs from other types of sketching, such as those used in the fine arts (see also Section 4.4). Many students have the mistaken impression that since sketching is less precise than manual drafting or CAD, it is less important. They don't realize that good sketching is an acquired skill and just because sketching is less precise doesn't mean that it should be sloppy or confusing. It may be worth noting that in many applications, technical sketches are required to follow the same graphics conventions that are imposed on formal drafted or CAD-produced drawings.
Note that though sketches can be created with any kind of drawing instrument on most any kind of paper, a good quality pencil and paper will help a beginning student. The instructor will have to decide their policy on the use of grid paper. Some feel it is a great way to support orthogonal and isometric line sketching in beginning (or advanced) students, but others feel it becomes a crutch which prevents them from becoming proficient on plain paper. The same decision goes for the use of tracing paper.

Another important issue is the use of straight edges. Students feel a tremendous need to produce that 'perfect' line. It is the opinion of this author that when you start using a straight edge, it is no longer a true sketch and you have lost much of the speed and flexibility advantage of sketching.

Encourage students to explore with different paper positions and body postures for drawing their lines. Emphasize the need to develop an appropriate balance of speed and accuracy in their linework. Encourage them not to look right at where the pencil is but to where the pencil is going to. Intermediate points (especially for curved lines) can be of great help in creating lines which follow the marked path.
Get students comfortable with sketching out squares to guide circle and circular arc construction and rhomboids for elliptical curves. With the guide boxes in place, have students develop a feel for the proper curvature relative to the box (Figure 4.15). Trying to sketch without guide boxes is a common pitfall with beginning students and happens almost as often on small diameter circles as it does with large ones.
4.2.4 - 4.2.5
Negative space and upside-down sketching are both techniques that can help you visualize space and objects. They allow focusing on the basic geometric relations of the objects without being distracted by unimportant attributes of the object.
A logical extension of the use of guide boxes for circles and ellipses is the use of bounding (guide) boxes for developing the proportions of the sketch. Emphasize the importance of their use since all but the most gifted students are unlikely to have the visualization skills necessary to control the sketch proportions 'on the fly'. Encourage them to not only make small hash marks to mark distances, but to draw complete construction lines. These lines subdivide regions of the sketch and help the student refine the object from a rough whole to a detailed sketch. This process goes hand in hand with developing a student's visualization skills of looking at objects at various levels of detail; from the overall shape of an object to the details of particular features to where these features are located on the overall object.
The discussion of ideation and document sketches acts as a transition into the introduction of projection theory and the creation of multiview and pictorial sketches. Emphasize how and where these sketches fit into the design process.

The order of the chapter allows students to pick up the basic skills of sketching before introducing projection theory. Since the goal is to get the students drawing sketches that reflect real world applications as quickly as possible, enough projection theory is presented in the next few sections to allow students to both produce and understand the principles behind the most popular methods of projection.

For those who would like to incorporate more hands-on techniques to help develop their student's visualization techniques while they work on their sketches, material in Chapter 5, Visualization for Design, can be incorporated. For those who would like more formal theory on projection introduced at this point, material from Chapter 8, Multiview Drawings, and Chapter 9, Pictorial Drawings, can be incorporated.

Besides teaching students the applied skills of the different types of projections, make sure they understand how all these different types of projections relate to each other (see Table 1 in Chapter 8). Two of the more important divisions are between parallel and perspective projection and between multiview and pictorial sketches. Use example sketches such as those in Figure 4.26 to point out the differences.

Isometric pictorials are presented first because they strike a balance between realism and ease of construction. Perspective pictorials are more 'realistic', but are less common in engineering and technical applications and harder to construct. As was mentioned earlier, it is important to get your students in the habit of using guidelines and bounding boxes to help structure the sketching process. Even though they may be using grid paper, bounding boxes will help with proportioning the overall object and specific features. A common error is to 'skip over' (move laterally) in one of the dimensions when measuring another dimension. Guidelines will help keep you on track.
Few beginning students can draw an isometric ellipse without the help of a bounding box. Make sure the students understand the relationship of the bounding box sides, their diagonals and the major and minor axes of the ellipse. 'Projecting' the bounding box along one of the isometric axes is a good technique to use to generate holes and cylinders. Make sure the student understands how to use the nearest ellipse to calculate how much (if any) of the bottom of the cylinder or hole will be seen.
Refer to discussion on grid paper in 4.1.1 above.
With oblique pictorials, emphasize not only the difference in the technique in sketching an oblique versus an isometric, but also the difference in the projection method. This is an opportunity to show how the parallel orientation to an object's surface (the frontal surface in this case) allows it to be drawn in true size and shape. Compare the same object drawn as an oblique and as an isometric (e.g. Figures 4.26, 4.45) and point out the differences in how faces on the front are projected.

This is also a good opportunity to talk about the importance of object orientation to the projection plane. Sketch an object with a majority if its features parallel to the projection plane and then oriented skew to it. Let them experience how much harder it is to draw the details properly.

Discuss the reasons that multiview drawings are used; that they are not the most 'intuitive' drawings to understand, but that they provide a way of presenting key features of an object without distortion. Emphasize the importance of developing visualization skills which allow them — in a holistic way — to decompose a 3-D object into a series of 2-D views and vice versa. More brute force methods can (and should) be used to confirm the proper construction of the views, but these techniques need to be used in conjunction with more holistic methods to understand the forms. Start with simple objects and work up to more complex ones. Again, the visualization techniques in Chapter 5 may be of some help.

As with oblique pictorials, the choice of a front view orientation is an important first step. Using a physical object, show students various ways of orienting the object and ask them to tell you the pluses and minuses of each orientation.

Again with a physical object, show how various principal views can be generated from an object. Though rotating the object is often more intuitive to the student, also use an 'image plane' made from clear plastic (or just a transparency in a frame) rotated about the object to show how the equivalent views can be generated. There are a number of techniques presented as exercises in Chapters 8 and 9.

Make sure students get off to a good start by emphasizing proper line conventions. As mentioned above in 4.1, just because they are sketching, there is no excuse for being sloppy. You may want to point out that though sketching is less 'precise' than CAD, it actually has more flexibility in generating lines of appropriate thickness and styles; this is also true when it comes to proper dash placement in hidden and center lines.
A simple chart such as the one shown in Figure 4.46 can be made of the precedence of lines on the board or an overhead, but make sure this is followed up with examples in sketches such as Figure 4.47. It is easy to do an in-class exercise where students are asked to find the mistakes in line precedence in example drawings.
A common mistake is to leave the center line off a cylinder or hole in the rectilinear view. Impress upon them that when they sketch a center line in the circular view, there will be ones (in most instances) in one or more adjacent views. Make sure they extend the center lines a uniform amount beyond the feature in all the views but don't connect them between views. The only time the center line should not extend a uniform distance is when it will terminate at another line. Show examples of when it would be better to leave it short and when it would be better to leave it long.

Show your students a number of common objects (or pictorial representations of them) and ask them whether the object would best be represented as a one, two, or three-view multiview. Get your students comfortable with analyzing the features on an object (including elements such as symmetry) and striking a balance between conciseness and complete representation of the features.
You can make the connection between one-view sketches and manufacturing processes that only need geometric description in two out of the three dimensions. For example dies for stamping and extrusion can often be adequately described in a single view with notes describing thickness, draft angle, etc.
Symmetry often makes the difference as to whether an object can be adequately described in a two-view rather than three-view sketch. Show examples of objects which have radial symmetry (e.g. objects turned on a lathe) and why having a third view doesn't add to our understanding of the object.

With two-view sketches you can introduce the concept of adjacent views and view alignment (see also Section 8.4). Encourage your students to use construction lines to project overall dimensions and feature locations between the views. Identify which dimensions are being represented in each of the views and which dimension is being shared.

In a three-view sketch, besides having construction lines projecting between adjacent views, you also have the miter line facilitating dimensional sharing between the top and right (or left) side views. Often students need to have a short review of the glass box concept and how the unfolding of the glass box creates the break between the horizontal and profile image planes.

Once three-view multiviews are introduced you have the opportunity to go back and tie together some of the basics of projection theory and the relationship between pictorials and multiviews. One in-class exercise you can do is to associate each projection plane with each view name (e.g. the horizontal projection plane is associated with the top view). In addition, you can have them identify which two views share the same dimension. You can also display the same object as an isometric pictorial and a multiview and compare how the dimensional axes are laid out in each of these representations.

Even if you don't formally cover this section, it is important to cover the difference between parallel and perspective projection — the differences in projection theory, the applied mechanics of creating them, and the perceptual differences. Obviously, you could spend a long time discussing these issues, but they can also be covered fairly succinctly. For example, you can point out that as you move the viewpoint of the observer away from the projection (image) plane, the line of sight rays become closer and closer to parallel, until you are finally infinitely far away and have parallel projection.

You can also compare the construction of an object in one-point perspective sketch and as an oblique pictorial. Here you can clearly point out the lack of convergence of the depth dimension.

As mentioned above, an oblique and one-point perspective can be compared as an introduction to perspective sketching. The use of the horizon line and its placement relative to the object can also be explained.
Compare the same object as a one and two-point perspective. Identify which dimensions are converging and are not in each of the sketches. You can also show the effect on the sketch when the vanishing points are moved along the horizon line relative to the object.
Note the difference between the shape of the bounding box used for a perspective circle and one in an oblique or isometric sketch. Now sketch circles inside each of the bounding boxes. You can note that a center and points of tangency on the bounding box still need to be established, but that the actual shape of the projected circle is different.

Lettering is certainly one area where CAD has definitively increased the speed and accuracy of engineering and technical drawing. On the other hand, sketching done by hand cannot take advantage of the computer. For that reason, lettering has been placed in the chapter on sketching. In addition, this section also introduces many of the text variables you have at your disposal when using a CAD system. If you have not introduced CAD yet in your course, you may want to come back and review portions of this section when you do.
In addition to the ANSI standards, you may have other rules of thumb to convey to the students. Good and bad examples of lettering are always helpful in illustrating these principles. Section 4.9.2 goes into more detail concerning good lettering practices. Chapter 15 on dimensioning and Chapter 19 on production drawings will give more examples on the proper placement of text on a drawing or sketch.
Again, if the emphasis on your course is on CAD, you may want to only briefly touch on this section. By having all the students do a small amount of practice lettering in class, you can identify those needing help and have them do some remedial work out of class. If your primary interest in lettering is for use on sketches, you may not want to discuss lettering guides, since they slow down sketching much in the same way straight edges do.

Emphasize that guide lines (construction lines) are just as important in lettering as they are in sketching and drafting. You may decide, however, that those students who don't seem to be having too much trouble keeping their lettering aligned vertically, can skip putting in their vertical guidelines.

Cover not only the design style of each of the letters but also the numbers. There especially is a tendency to use non-standard designs for numbers among beginning students. Proper spacing is also something important to cover. Emphasize that the idea is to have uniform volume between the letters, not necessarily uniform distances between the nearest elements of the letters.

Though different companies and industries may use different computer lettering styles, Single Stroke Gothic is still the ANSI standard. (In AutoCAD, the closest equivalent is Roman Simplex). There can be a tendency among students to go a bit wild with their font choices (if given the opportunity) on a CAD system.
Within the same font, there are quite a few ways of varying the lettering, including plain, bold, slant, aspect, alignment (justification), etc. Point out times where it is appropriate to use these options. Explain to your students that the object is always drawn full scale in the CAD system, but that lettering may have to drawn at something other than the ANSI standard 3mm to account for print/plot scaling; that is, the 3mm standard is for the size on the printed/plotted page.
Examples from Chapter 19 on working drawings might to helpful in explaining the different areas where text is used on a drawing. Note that lettering within the drawing area should almost always conform to the ANSI standard 3mm, but that different sized and style text is often incorporated in other areas such as the titleblock.

If you can, point out examples of graphics which would clarified with the addition of a small amount of text and text notes which would be clarified by the addition of some graphic elements.


Sketching is an important tool for quickly and efficiently communicating design ideas. It is a particularly useful tool early in the design process, when several ideas are being explored. Parallel projection includes: isometric pictorial, oblique pictorial, and multiview. Another type of projection, perspective, more closely matches how you perceive objects in the real world.

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