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The Cascades Volcano Observatory of the U.S. Geological Survey maintains information and links to other sources on all U.S. volcanoes, not just the Cascade volcanoes; its home page is at

The Cascades Volcano Observatory of the U.S. Geological Survey

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One link of special interest describes the USGS's Volcano Disaster Assistance Program, which involves the world's only volcano crisis response team. In cooperation with USAID and other agencies, it has responded to more than a dozen volcano crises since 1986. See

USGS's Volcano Disaster Assistance Program

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"Volcano World" is a very popular site, maintained with support from NASA to promote public access to and use of space science data, with links to a tremendous variety of information about terrestrial volcanoes and those on other planets, including lists of current/recent volcanic activity. See

Volcano World

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Michigan Technological University maintains a particularly informative "Volcanoes Page" including abundant references at

Michigan Technological University's "Volcanoes Page"

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"The Electronic Volcano" includes many links to volcano information and volcano observatories worldwide

"The Electronic Volcano"

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Useful online USGS publications about volcanoes include: "Volcanoes"


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"Volcanoes of the U.S."

"Volcanoes of the U.S."

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"Eruptions of Mount St. Helens-Past, Present, and Future"

"Eruptions of Mount St. Helens-Past, Present, and Future"

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"Eruptions of the Hawaiian volcanoes-Past, Present, and Future"

"Eruptions of the Hawaiian volcanoes-Past, Present, and Future"

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