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According to Professors Robert James Maddox and Richard B. Frank,
A)Truman dropped the Atomic bomb for the military reasons of shortening the war and avoiding a landed invasion.
B)Truman dropped the Atomic bomb for the political reasons of keeping the Russians out of the Pacific War and making them "more manageable" in negotiating the post-war settlements in Eastern Europe.
C)dropping the Atomic bomb was unnecessary because Russia's entrance into the Pacific War caused the Japanese to surrender.
D)the Japanese were ready to surrender even before the Atomic bombs were dropped and the Russians declared war against Japan.
According to revisionist historians, such as Professor Gar Alperovitz,
A)Truman dropped the Atomic bomb primarily for the military reasons of shortening the war and avoiding a landed invasion.
B)Truman dropped the Atomic bomb primarily for the political reasons of keeping the Russians out of the Pacific War and making them "more manageable" in negotiating post-war settlements in Eastern Europe.
C)dropping the Atomic bomb was unnecessary because Russia's entrance into the Pacific War caused the Japanese to surrender.
D)the Japanese were ready to surrender even before the Atomic bombs were dropped and the Russians declared war against Japan.
According to Professor Offner most of the blame for the Cold War was:
A)caused by Stalin
B)caused by Truman
C)caused by both sides
D)an inevitable force of history
According to Professor Gaddis most of the blame for the Cold War was:
A)caused by Stalin
B)caused by Truman
C)caused by both sides
D)an inevitable force of history
According to John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, who believe that communism threatened America's internal security after World War II, the betrayal of American atomic secrets to the Russians
A)led the Russians to develop atomic bombs several years sooner.
B)unnecessarily prolonged the Korean War.
C)unnecessarily prolonged the U.S.-USSR cold war in Europe.
D)all of the above
The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS) spent the better part of 1951 investigating the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR). According to Richard M. Fried, who does not believe that communism threatened America's internal security after World War II, the Senate was mainly concerned with investigating who
A)caused the Pearl Harbor fiasco.
B)was responsible for disclosing secrets about the atomic bomb to the Russians.
C)lost China to the Communists.
D)was responsible for the failed containment policy in Korea.
According to John S. Spanier, who believes that President Truman should have fired General MacArthur, the United States came to the aid of South Korea after it was attacked by North Korea on June 25, 1950, because
A)South Korea was an American protégé.
B)Japan's security was threatened.
C)America's commitment to NATO needed credibility.
D)all of the above
D. Clayton James, who does not believe that President Truman should have fired General MacArthur, asserts that MacArthur
A)threatened civilian control over the military.
B)did not threaten control over the military.
C)was a warmonger.
D)was a poor strategist whose troops had no faith in him.
The President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which believes that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy by himself, argues that
A)one shot was fired.
B)two shots were fired.
C)three shots were fired.
D)four shots were fired.
Michael L. Kurtz, who does not believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy by himself, speculates that __________ was responsible for the Kennedy assassination.
A)organized crime
B)a group of right-wing fanatics
C)Fidel Castro
D)the CIA
According to Adam Fairclough, who believes that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership was essential to the success of the civil rights revolution, King adopted a strategy of nonviolent direct protests for the purpose of
A)persuading southern whites of the injustices of segregation.
B)converting segregationist opponents to accept blacks as equals.
C)provoking violence and mobilizing northern opinion to pressure Congress to pass civil rights legislation.
D)destroying the economic stronghold of whites over blacks in the South.
Clayborne Carson, who does not believe that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership was essential to the success of the civil rights revolution, considers King to be
A)a typical black middle-class southern preacher.
B)one of many people capable of leading the civil rights struggle.
C)a product of the civil rights movement that made him a leader.
D)all of the above
According to Professor Murray reformers of the early 1960’s believed that poverty was
A)an individual’s fault.
B)no one’s fault.
D)caused by a world wide depression.
According to Joseph A. Califano, Jr., who does not believe that the Great society failed, Lyndon Johnson felt that the greatest achievement of his presidency was the passage of the
A)Job Corps Act.
B)Elementary and Secondary Education Arts.
C)Medicare and Medicaid Acts.
D)Voting Rights Ace of 1965.
According to Brian VanDeMark, who believes that the Americanization of the war in Vietnam was inevitable, President Lyndon Johnson's advisers remembered the events of World War II and thought the Vietnam situation was similar to
A)Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia.
B)the appeasement of Hitler at Munich.
C)the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
D)Stalin's demands at the Yalta Conference.
According to H. R. McMaster, who does not believe that the Americanization of the war in Vietnam was inevitable, President Johnson adopted a strategy in Vietnam known as
A)massive retaliation.
B)flexible response.
C)graduated response.
D)Vietnamization of the war.
According to F. Carolyn Graglia, who believes that the women's liberation movement has been harmful to American women, women's place should be at
C)both home and work.
D)child care centers.
According to Sara M. Evans, who does not believe that the women's liberation movement has been harmful to American women, the movement was first reincarnated in the 1960s by the
A)National Women's Suffrage Association.
B)National Commission of the Status of Women.
C)National Organization for Women (NOW).
D)both b and c.
According to Professor Bruce J. Schulman, President Nixon was
A)the last interventionist liberal reformist president.
B)the first modern conservative president.
C)a political moderate.
D)a political opportunist.
According to Professor Joan Hoff-Wilson, President Nixon was
A)the last interventionist liberal reformer president.
B)the first modern conservative president.
C)a political moderate.
D)a political opportunist.
According to Joan Hoff-Wilson, who believes that history will forgive Richard Nixon, because Nixon was elected in 1968 instead of 1960, he
A)inherited a wartime presidency with its temporarily enhanced extralegal powers.
B)inherited a peacetime presidency with weakened powers.
C)inherited a government dominated by a Republican-controlled Congress.
D)had matured into a calm, reflective decision maker.
According to Hoff-Wilson, President Nixon
A)kept welfare spending at the same level as that of the previous administration.
B)drastically cut welfare spending.
C)brought about a sevenfold increase in funding for social services.
D)none of the above.
According to Hoff-Wilson, President Nixon tried to achieve domestic reforms through administrative action in order to
A)appeal to public opinion.
B)appease the Republican majority in Congress.
C)circumvent a hostile Congress and press corps.
D)appear stronger than he actually was as president.
According to Hoff-Wilson,
A)Nixon's major successes were in circumventing Watergate.
B)Nixon's major achievements were in areas of foreign policy.
C)Nixon's major achievements were in domestic policies.
D)Nixon accomplished very little as president.
According to Hoff-Wilson, the Nixon administration
A)accomplished little in the civil rights area.
B)went backward in its enforcement of civil rights legislation.
C)changed the emphasis in enforcement of school desegregation from Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) compliance agreements to Justice Department actions.
D)changed the emphasis in enforcement of school desegregation from Justice Department actions to HEW compliance agreements.
During the 1960s
A)the consensus on New Deal domestic policies and cold war foreign policies held firm.
B)the consensus on New Deal domestic policies and cold war foreign policies broke down.
C)the consensus on New Deal domestic policies held firm, but cold war bipartisanship broke down.
D)cold war bipartisanship held firm, but the consensus on New Deal domestic policies broke down.
During the 1968 Presidential campaign Richard Nixon positioned himself as a
A)staunch segregationist.
B)staunch integrationist.
C)racial moderate.
D)politician who ignored racial issues.
By the end of his first term, according to Professor Schulman, Richard Nixon
A)attempted to appoint two southern conservatives to the Supreme Court.
B)attempted to dismantle LBJ's Great Society programs.
C)signed legislation restricting air and water pollution.
D)did all of the above.
E)did none of the above.
According to Schulman, Richard Nixon
A)supported a guaranteed income.
B)opposed a guaranteed income.
C)was indifferent to a guaranteed annual income.
D)was disappointed when the family assistance program failed to pass in Congress.
The new Republican majority coalition that Richard Nixon tried to build in the 1970s consisted of
A)northern blue-collar white workers.
B)Southern white conservatives.
C)middle class white-collar workers and retirees who migrated to the Florida-California sun country.
D)all of the above.
The long term effect(s) of the Watergate scandal was that
A)it made people more distrustful of government.
B)it pushed the country in a more liberal democratic direction.
C)it pushed the country in a conservative-right direction.
D)both a and b.
E)both a and c.
The author of The Emerging Republican Majority (1969) is
A)Kevin Phillips.
B)Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
C)Senator Barry Goldwater.
D)Stephen King.
According to John Lewis Gaddis, who believes that President Reagan won the cold war, who was most instrumental in ending the cold war?
D)both b and c
According to Daniel Deudney and G. John Ikenberry, who do not believe that President Reagan won the cold war, who was most instrumental in ending the cold war?
D)both b and c
According to political journalist Thomas Byrne Edsall political power in the 1980s shifted to the
A)lower class.
B)lower middle class.
C)lower middle and upper middle class.
D)upper middle and upper class.
The 1980s has been referred to as
A)the me decade.
B)the my decade.
C)the women’s decade.
D)the multicultural decade.
According to Conrad Black, George Bush is
A)the worst president in American history.
B)with the exception of FDR the best president in the twentieth century.
C)an average president.
D)irrelevant in making domestic and foreign policy.
According to Sean Wilentz, George Bush is
A)the worst president in American history.
B)with the exception of FDR the best president in the twentieth century.
C)an average president.
D)irrelevant in making domestic and foreign policy.
Tamar Jacoby, who believes that America should remain a nation of immigrants, maintains that U.S. immigration laws should
A)be tough on terrorists.
B)restrict immigration somewhat for the next 10 years.
C)continue to encourage family unification.
D)be revised to be employment related rather than family related.
According to Patrick J. Buchanan, who does not believe that America should remain a nation of immigrants, the Hispanic immigrants to the United States become citizens and vote
C)both Republican and Democratic.
D)as independents.
Scientist Jim Hansen argues
A)scientists who support global warming always have to debate a non-scientist on radio and television even when the evidence supporting global warming is overwhelming.
B)scientists who oppose man-made causes of global warming cannot get published in prestigious scientific journals without difficulty and when they do it is accompanied by a rebuttal argument.
C)both a and b
D)none of the above
Research fellow Kevin Shapiro argues
A)scientists who supported global warming always have to debate a non-scientist on radio and television even when the evidence supporting global warming is overwhelming.
B)scientists who oppose man-made causes of global warming cannot get published in prestigious scientific journals without difficulty and when they do it is accompanied by a rebuttal argument.
C)both a and b
D)none of the above

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