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Internet Exercises
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Lots of interactive questionnaires can be found on the internet to help you learn more about yourself. These self-tests are for instructional and entertainment purposes only. They are not intended to replace rigorously validated and properly administered psychometric tests and should not be used to establish qualifications or make personnel decisions. Still, they can provide useful insights and stimulate discussion. The purpose of this exercise is to learn more about cognitive intelligence (IQ). Go to Self Discovery Workshop’s home page on the Internet ( ) and select the intelligence test.


1 Do you believe this sort of so-called paper-and-pencil psychological testing has any merit? Explain your rationale.

2 Could self-serving bias, discussed in Chapter 4, influence the way people evaluate intelligence tests? Briefly, self-serving bias involves taking personal responsibility for your successes and blaming your failures on other factors. For example, ‘I scored high, so I think it’s a good test’ or ‘I scored low, so it’s an unfair or invalid test’. Explain.

Buelens, OB, 3eOnline Learning Center

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