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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is an example of observation at an inferential level?
A)Count of cars passing an intersection.
B)Number of agreement comments made in a small group session.
C)Number of efforts made to interrupt a dialogue.
D)Number of times an argument was effectively rebutted in a debate.
Which of the following would normally qualify as an observation "act" depending on the nature of the study?
A)A single expressed thought
B)A fadal expression
C)A type of behaviour
D)All of the above
Which of the following states well the status of researcher bias in observation research?
A)Observer bias is as pronounced as interviewer bias and sometimes even more.
B)Observer bias can be eliminated only by observer concealment.
C)There is very little observer bias since the observer plays a background role in the research situation.
D)None of the above.
The observational study of body movements and motor expressions are examples of:
A)Physical process analysis
B)Nonverbal behaviour analysis
C)Spatial analysis
D)Extra-linguistic behaviour analysis
The observation of spatial relationships includes:
A)Studies of proxemics
B)Studies in geographical origins of different people
C)Location studies of store chains
D)Extralinguistic studies
Indirect observation refers to:
A)Situations where the observation work is contracted to an outside agency.
B)Situations where mechanical, electronic or "non human" means of observation are used.
C)The observation and record, not of the "direct" or key events of study, but rather that of associated events.
D)Inferential rather than direct observation.
Which of the following is a major weakness of the observation method?
A)The observer generally must be on the scene when an event occurs or it is lost.
B)Observation is more intrusive than questioning.
C)Observation is of limited value in behaviour studies.
D)It is almost impossible to observe without the subject being influenced by the observation process.
E)All of the above.
Which of the following may not be important for an observer/participant observer?
B)Ability to get along with the people
C)Unobtrusive personality
D)Tendency to get fatigued
E)All of the above

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