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Multiple Choice Quiz
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In experimental design the critical safeguard to assure equivalency is:
A)Random assignment.
B)Random selection.
D)Covariance analysis.
Which of the following is not a type of problem encountered in internal validity considerations?
B)Statistical regression.
C)Experiment mortality.
D)Interaction of testing on treatment.
E)All of the above.
One threat to validity is the history threat. Which of the following best illustrates this threat?
A)Members of experimental and control groups differ in age and therefore have a different life history.
B)The act of pre-testing sensitises subjects to the research topic.
C)Some extraneous variable influences experimental results during the study.
D)Older subjects will typically react differently to younger subjects.
Which of the following is an internal validity issue, and NOT an external validity issue?
A)Subjects get sensitized by a pretest so they react differently.
B)The population from which one selects the sample is not similar to that across which we wish to generalize results.
C)Knowing that they are participating in an experiment induces the subjects to role play with a systematic bias.
D)Between the observations, events occur that confound the results.
Experiment mortality refers to?
A)Death of subjects in human subject experiments.
B)A term used where live subjects are used and the levels of treatments may be "fatal".
C)Changes in the composition of the study group during the test.
D)None of the above.
The randomised block design:
A)Can be appropriate when there is a single major extraneous variable.
B)Is used when we wish to measure only main effects.
C)Can be used when we wish to measure both main and interaction effects.
D)A and C only.
E)A and B only.
In a 3 X 3 X 3 completely randomized factorial design:
A)It is possible to estimate both Main and lnteraction effects.
B)There are 3 + 3 + 3 = 9 treatment combinations.
C)There are 27 treatment combinations.
D)A and C only.
E)A and B only.
The major way that experimentation differs from ex post facto research is that in the former the researcher:
A)Uses both independent and dependent variables and in the latter does not.
B)Uses variable manipulation but not in the latter.
C)Uses control groups but not in the latter.
D)Is interested in causal relationships but not in the latter.
In the typical experiment we can often control extraneous variables through blocking. It is also possible to apply some degree of indirect statistical control on one or more variables through:
A)Analysis of covariance.
B)Analysis of variance.
C)Omission of before measurement.
D)Analysis of internal validity.
E)Use of the intact equivalent design.
You have been asked to measure the relative effect of three types of persuasive messages on employees in a company. You have reason to believe that your results might easily be confounded by the sex of the subject so you use the following experimental design.
A)Latin square.
C)Randomised block.
D)Completely randomized.
E)None of the above.

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