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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which form of response is considered to be superior when you seek to discover opinions and degrees of knowledge?
A)Open response question.
B)Dichotomous question.
C)Multiple choice question.
D)No differences between them in this regard.
The design of the instrument depends on:
A)Whether it is a personal interview, telephone, or mail.
B)The place where you interact with the respondent.
C)The topic you want to investigate.
D)All of the above.
The sponsor and purpose of a study can be at times justifiably concealed so that:
A)A bias desired by the sponsor can be introduced.
B)If unethical questions are on the questionnaire the sponsor's reputation is not affected.
C)Bias is eliminated in the answers.
D)Both B and C.
E)Both A and C.
For a survey relating to traffic accidents, which of the following questions is incorrectly classified?
A)State your Name, Age, and Gender (Administrative and Classification question)
B)How many accidents have you had in the last two years (Target)
C)Name of Interviewer, Date and Place of Interview (Classification)
D)All are correctly classified.
Which of the following are reasons for excluding a question on an instrument?
A)Though interesting, the information cannot be used.
B)The question is relevant and focused.
C)The question can be interpreted differently by different people.
D)The respondent would not remember the facts.
E)All of the above.
F)A, C, and D are all reasons for excluding a question.
Which of the statements below best expresses our understanding of the effect and value of personalisation in question design?
A)Personalisation of questions makes for superior response results.
B)Personalisation of questions makes for inferior response results.
C)Personalisation of questions makes for different response results but we cannot say one is superior to the other.
D)Personalisation seldom gives different response results than does impersonal questions.
Variation in responses due to different ways of wording questions is an important design problem, but only one of several. Which of the following is more likely to be true? Variations due to differences in question wording is:
A)More important than bias due to compiling and methods of questionnaire administration.
B)Less important than bias due to sampling and methods of questionnaire administration.
C)About the same in importance as sampling and method of questionnaire administration.
D)Less important than sampling bias but more important than method of questionnaire administration.
E)More important than sampling bias but less important than method of questionnaire administration.
Which of the following sequences represents the best approach in the development of a survey research instrument?
A)Management question - research question - measurement question - investigative question
B)Management question - research question - investigative question - measurement question
C)Research question - measurement question - investigative question - management question
D)Management question - investigative question - research question - measurement question
Efforts to disguise the objectives of a line of questioning are most useful when:
A)Respondents tend otherwise to reply with stereotyped answers.
B)Respondents differ in some marked way from the interviewer.
C)More than one objective is being sought in the same interview.
D)The sponsor of the research does not wish to be identified.
Dichotomous questions are appropriate when:
A)There is a "black or white" situation, with categorical responses.
B)A rating scale gives more "sensitive" results.
C)When ratio scale data is required.
D)Both A and C

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