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Multiple Choice Quiz
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The purpose of editing raw data is:
A)to guarantee that the data are uniformly entered
B)to guarantee that the data are complete
C)to guarantee that the data are accurate
D)B and C are both correct.
E)A, B, and C are all correct.
The requirement(s) for coding are that category sets should be:
C)Mutually exclusive
D)Defined in terms of a single dimension.
E)All of the above
Content analysis is NOT
A)An analysis of long term and mega trends.
B)Measures the semantic "what" content of a message.
C)Measures the which aspect of media.
D)A and C are correct.
If the answers to two questions of a questionnaire are inconsistent, editor should correct the answer as follows
A)If the correct answer is obvious, change it.
B)If the correct answer is not obvious, use consistently the first answer to minimize bias and to maximize the number of observations.
C)If the correct answer is not obvious, impute an answer randomly to minimize systematic bias and to maximize the number of observations.
D)Change the answers to both questions to "no answer".
E)A and B are correct.
F)A and C are correct.
G)A and D are correct.
Which of the following is an incorrect instruction for survey editors?
A)Make all entries on a schedule in a distinctive colour.
B)When correcting schedules erase the original entry completely to avoid later confusion.
C)Place initials and date of editing on each schedule completed.
D)Initial all entries changed or supplied.
Advantages of optical mark recognition include
A)respondents can not leave out questions accidentally.
B)data editing errors are reduced.
C)researchers can include non-textual elements, such as figures and photos in their questionnaires.
D)it allows researcher to design shorter questionnaires improving general response rates.
If the distribution of a variable is left skewed,...
A)the median of the variable is smaller than the mean
B)the median of the variable is larger than the mean
C)the median and the mean of a variable are different, but one cannot say whether the mean or the median is larger.
D)the mode has always the largest value
If the distribution of a variable is normal symmetric
A)Mean, mode and median are all the same.
B)Mean and median are the same
C)95 % of the observations are within 2 standard deviations of the mean
D)A and C are correct.
E)B and C are correct.
The mode of a variable is ...
A)never equal to the lowest value of a variable.
B)the most frequent value of a variable.
C)never the same as the mean.
D)A and B are both correct.
E)A and C are both correct.
F)B and C are both correct.
Measures of spread are ...
C)interquartile range
D)A and B are correct
E)A and C are correct
F)B and C are correct
G)A, B and C are correct

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