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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What are ethics?
A)A set of religious rules.
B)Norms for behaviour guiding moral choices.
C)Norms for behaviour also spelled out precisely in a legal code.
D)All of the above.
Debriefing should:
A)Follow all surveys.
B)Is used where deception has been used as part of the research design.
C)Is used only where interviews rather than questionnaires are used.
D)None of the above.
Rights to privacy:
A)Are taken seriously only in industrialized countries.
B)Should be taken seriously, now that relevant laws have been formulated.
C)Are relevant only in the context of respondent confidentiality.
D)Are violated by clandestine observation techniques used in private places.
Which of the statements appears to be incorrect? A right to privacy means:
A)Ethical researchers need permission to interview.
B)People have the right to private behavior in private places.
C)Respondents cannot refuse to answer questions on matters of public concern.
D)It is more appropriate to schedule interviews in the daytime.
Quality research:
A)Is a client's right.
B)Uses the appropriate technique to solve the management and research question.
C)Must be statistical in character.
D)All of the above.
E)Answers A and B only.
A consultant should:
A)Agree with the client's conclusions.
B)Interpret data in a favourable light for the client.
C)Always take the "middle path" in a controversy.
D)Adhere to the conclusions emerging from the study and real data, even if this means that the next contract goes to someone else.
Ethical researchers:
A)Are daring enough to collect data in risky situations.
B)Do not do research for organizations that are not ready to reveal their identity to respondents.
C)Focus on the ethical rights of the client and respondent, not the researcher.
D)None of the above.
Examples of researchers' unethical behaviour include
A)Selecting the "best" results out of a series of results
B)Neglecting the limitations of the research
C)Expanding the answers provided beyond the research question
D)A and B are correct only.
E)A, B and C are correct.
Which of the following measures is not a safeguard for ethical behviour?
A)obtain informed consent
B)explain the benefits' of the study
C)inform the respondent on the study's results
D)none of the above.
Unethical demands of a study's sponsor include
A)Commanding the researcher not to disclose the study's finding, because the findings show the sponsor in a bad light.
B)Commanding the researcher to alter some 'unimportant' results a little bit
C)Allowing the researcher only access to information if a secrecy agreement is signed.
D)A, B and C are all correct
E)A and B are correct.
F)None is unethical.

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