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Instructor Edition
Connect Accounting: Managerial Accounting for Managers, 3/e

Eric W. Noreen, University of Washington (Emeritus)
Peter C. Brewer, Miami University
Ray H. Garrison, Brigham Young University (Emeritus)

ISBN: 0077432312
Copyright year: 2014

FOCUS. Noreen/Brewer/Garrison pinpoints the key managerial concepts students will need in their future careers. With no journal entries or financial accounting topics to worry about, students can focus on the fundamental principles of managerial accounting.

RELEVANCE. With insightful Business Focus chapter-opening vignettes, current In Business examples throughout the text, and tried-and-true end-of-chapter material, a student will always see the real-world applicability of Noreen/ Brewer/Garrison.

BALANCE. Noreen/Brewer/Garrison covers a variety of business models, including nonprofit, retail, service, wholesale, and manufacturing organizations. Service company examples are highlighted with icons in the margins of the text.

Noreen, Managerial Accounting for Managers, Third Edition Large Cover

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