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Multiple Choice Quiz
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What is a Face Sheet?
A)The repository for patient medical data created through computer automation in the medical office/clinic.
B)Constant patient information such as allergies, problem lists, past medical history, etc.
C)A list that holds encounters (progress notes), tests, excuse notes, letters, reports, etc.
D)A tab in the electronic care tree which stores many of the documents that are created from encounters with patients.
Which users does SpringCharts allow to have the same patient chart open at the same time?
A)Only the patient's nurse and doctor.
B)Any three users.
C)All users.
D)Only one user may have a patient's chart open at a time.
What requirement must be met in order for a referring physician to be chosen in the Face Sheet?
A)They must first be set-up in the address book.
B)They must first sign a waiver with the clinic to which they are referring.
C)They must first send the patient's medical history to the referred physician.
D)No requirement. The clerical staff just needs to type the referring physician's information in the Face Sheet.
How does a user alter or edit the preset categories in the Care Tree?
A)Access the New menu on the main screen and select Edit Care Tree.
B)Access the File menu on the main screen and select Edit Categories.
C)Access the SpringCharts Server program and select Care Tree Categories.
D)The preset categories cannot be altered or edited.
What is the function of the Evaluate Chart feature?
A)Allows for the searching of specified text in portions of or within the entire chart.
B)Enables a user to export any portion of the chart as a text file.
C)It will analyze the chart to determine if the patient is up to date with preset tests, screenings, and procedures.
D)It displays all patients that share the same home phone number.
What is the function of the Imaging feature located in the Actions menu?
A)It stores the Pt Photo.
B)It displays images of the ordered x-rays, CT Scans, MRIs etc. that have arrived at the clinic.
C)It enables a user to order x-rays, CT Scans, MRIs, etc. from the Patient's Chart screen
D)It enables the practitioner to view multiple occurrences of the same lab type within a patient's chart to analyze trends over time.
From which menu can a user access a complete list of a patient's diagnosis, medications, or procedures?
A)From the File menu in a patient's chart.
B)From the Actions menu in the Patient's Chart screen.
C)From the Actions menu in the Main Practice View screen.
D)From the Utilities menu in the Patient's Chart screen.
What does the New OV feature do?
A)Creates a new optometry visit for the patient.
B)Allows patients to view their optometry test results.
C)Creates a new office visit.
D)Creates a new medication refill order form.
What feature would a user access to send a letter to a referring physician about a patient?
A)New Letter ABOUT Pt.
B)New Referral Letter.
C)New Letter to Pt.
D)New Office Visit Letter.
What does the New Test Report feature do?
A)Allows a patient to request their most recent test results from a doctor's office via the SpringCharts network.
B)Allows a provider to send a patient any of their test results.
C)Allows a referred doctor to request past test results from other doctor's offices via the SpringCharts network.
D)Creates a new letter concerning a patient's immunizations.

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