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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Purchasing power parity implies:
A)A basket of goods should sell for the same price in all countries, even if trade barriers exist
B)A basket of goods will sell for the same price in all countries as long as there are no trade barriers
C)A basket of goods cannot sell for the same price in different countries due to the different wage rates
D)As long as goods can move freely across international boundaries, one unit of domestic currency should buy the same basket of goods anywhere in the world
If country A wants to fix its exchange rate with country B, then:
A)Country A's inflation rate will have to match country B's
B)Country A's monetary policy must be conducted so the inflation rate in country A matches the inflation rate in country B
C)Country A's monetary policy will not be able to be used to address domestic issues
D)All of the answers given are correct
Which of the following statements is most correct?
A)A central bank can select between a fixed exchange rate and an independent inflation policy provided fiscal policy cooperates
B)A central bank cannot have both a fixed exchange rate and an independent inflation policy
C)The central banks of most industrialized countries focus on fixed exchange rates
D)While most central banks of industrialized countries favor fixing exchange rates, their primary concern is on domestic inflation
Most economists view capital controls:
B)Unfavorably, emphasizing their harmful effects on developing countries
C)Favorably, since this is the main way for countries to exploit their comparative advantage
D)Favorably, since having them makes capital markets more efficient
Reserves in the banking system will increase if the Fed:
A)Buys euros or sells dollars
B)Sells euros or buys dollars
C)Buys both euros and dollars at the same time
D)Sells both euros and dollars at the same time
The impact on the foreign exchange market for dollars resulting from the Fed purchasing euros will be:
A)A decrease in the demand for dollars
B)An increase in the demand for dollars
C)An increase in the supply of dollars
D)A decrease in the demand for dollars and an increase in the supply of dollars
Suppose that you purchase a Korean government bond and the number of won needed to purchase one dollar increases. Your return on the bond:
A)Decreases by the amount of the dollar's appreciation
B)Decreases by more than the amount of the dollar's appreciation
C)Decreases by less than the amount of the dollar's appreciation
D)Increases by the amount of the dollar's appreciation
A speculative attack on a country with a fixed exchange rate occurs when:
A)Financial market participants believe the government will have to devalue its currency
B)Financial market participants believe the government will have to sell off some of their international reserves
C)Financial market participants believe the currency is undervalued
D)The country is running out of gold reserves
Most economists do not advocate a return to the gold standard because:
A)It forces the central bank to fix the price of something we don't really care about while other prices can fluctuate a lot
B)Most of the gold mined today comes from relatively few countries
C)Inflation will depend on the rate that gold is mined
D)All of the answers given are correct
In the spring of 2005, people in business and government were calling for China to move away from its fixed-exchange rate regime because:
A)Its pegged value was far below purchasing power parity estimates
B)Its pegged value was far above purchasing power parity estimates
C)It was adding to China's current account deficit
D)It was exporting its inflation to the United States
When a country operates with a currency board, the central bank's sole objective is to
A)Focus on domestic monetary policy
B)Maintain the domestic interest rate
C)Maintain the exchange rate
D)Maintain the target inflation rate
In April 1991, Argentina adopted a currency board primarily to address the problem of:
A)Slow growth
B)High interest rates
C)Large trade surpluses
D)Triple-digit inflation
Which of the following best defines dollarization?
A)A country uses the U.S. dollar as well as its currency for all transactions
B)A country adopts a foreign currency for all transactions basically eliminating its own monetary policy
C)A country eliminates its own currency for international transactions and requires that all international transactions be conducted in U.S. dollars
D)The central bank of a country agrees to exchange its own currency for U.S. dollars at a fixed exchange rate
The benefits to a country from dollarization include each of the following, except:
A)A lower risk premium since inflationary finance is no longer a possibility
B)Greater and faster integration into world markets, increasing trade and investment
C)No risk of an exchange rate crisis
D)Increased revenue from seigniorage
Monetary union, in comparison to dollarization, means that:
A)Countries forgo revenues from seigniorage
B)Countries share in monetary policy decisions
C)The central bank no longer has the ability to be the lender of last resort
D)All of the answers given are correct

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