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Bass Suspension  A suspension that occurs when the bass voice is suspended, creating a 2nd (or 9th) with an upper voice, resulting in a 2-3 suspension.
Chain of Suspensions  The figure resulting when the resolution of one suspension serves as the preparation for another suspension.
Neighboring Tone  A non-chord tone that embellishes a single tone; this tone is approached by moving either up or down by step and resolves by step in the opposite direction to the original tone.
Non-Chord Tone (NCT)  A tone, either diatonic or chromatic, that is not a member of the prevailing chord.
Passing Tone  A non-chord tone that is approached and resolved by step in the same direction, filling in the space between two tones, which may belong to the same or different chords.
Preparation  The tone preceding the suspension (it is the same pitch as the suspension).
Resolution  The tone following the suspension and lying a 2nd below it.
Retardation  A non-chord tone that functions like a suspension but features an upward stepwise resolution.
Suspension  A non-chord tone that occurs when a chord tone is sustained after the other parts have moved on to the next chord, after which it resolves down by step into that next chord. It is preceded by a "preparation" and followed by a "resolution." The term also refers to the "preparation-sequence-resolution" unit in its entirety.
Suspension Figure  A melodic process in which a chord tone is treated as though it were a suspension. A suspension figure often occurs in conjunction with the approach to the 7th of a V7 chord when that 7th is also a chord tone of the preceding chord and appears in the same voice..
Suspension with Change of Bass  A upper-voice suspension in which the bass moves on to another chord tone at the same time as the suspension resolves.

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