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acceptance  Stage in which the dying person develops a sense of peace, an acceptance of one's fate, and in many cases, a desire to be left alone. The final stage of the Kübler-Ross model
anger  Stage of dying in which the dying person's denial gives way to rage, resentment, and envy. The second stage of the Kübler-Ross model
bargaining  Stage of dying in which the dying person develops the hope that death can be postponed. The third stage of the Kübler-Ross model
brain death  Neurological definition of death; all electrical activity of brain has ceased
complicated (prolonged) grief  Grief that involves enduring despair and remains unresolved over an extended period of time
denial and isolation  Stage of dying in which the dying person denies that he/she is really going to die. The first stage of the Kübler-Ross model
depression  Stage of dying in which the dying person comes to accept the certainty of her or his death. The fourth stage of the Kübler-Ross model
euthanasia  Act of painlessly ending of the lives of persons suffering from incurable disease or severe disability
grief  Emotional numbness, disbelief, despair, sadness, and loneliness that accompanies the loss of a loved one
hospice  Program committed to making the end of life as free from pain, anxiety, and depression as possible

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