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Student Quizzes
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Rights which governments give to their citizens are known as:
A)natural rights.
B)unalienable rights.
C)moral rights.
D)civil rights.
Measures enacted in the South from 1877 to the 1950s legalizing segregation in public places, buses, trains, restaurants, schools, and businesses are termed:
A)Jim Crow laws.
B)Nuremberg Laws.
C)Northern Black Codes.
D)blue laws.
On which amendment to the Constitution was the Civil Rights Act of 1875 based?
When an employment policy looks neutral but, in fact, is not job-related and prevents some individuals in protected classes from being promoted, it is called:
A)disparate impact.
B)glass ceiling.
C)disparate treatment.
D)affirmative action.
"A selection rate for any race, sex, or ethnic group which is less than four-fifths of the rate for the group with the highest rate will generally be regarded… as evidence of adverse impact" according to:
A)disparate treatment.
B)the 80 percent rule.
C)disparate impact.
D)affirmative action.
Which of the following terms describes a range of policies which seek out, encourage, and give preferential treatment to employees in groups protected by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?
A)Affirmative action
B)Glass ceiling
C)Disparate treatment
D)Ethical theories of rights
_____ require calculations about the overall benefit to society, as opposed to the costs, of affirmative action.
A)Ethical theories of rights
B)Utilitarian ethics
C)Norms of distributive justice
D)Norms of compensatory justice
According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines, when submission to a sexual request is required to keep a job, it is an example of:
A)a hostile environment.
C)quid pro quo.
D)disparate treatment.
Which of the following refers to programs that increase worker heterogeneity and change corporate cultures, making them hospitable to employees regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability?
A)Diversity management
B)Conflict management
C)Affirmative action
A support network formed by employees who personify an attribute associated with discrimination, stereotyping, or social isolation is called a(n):
A)minority group.
B)affinity group.
C)protected group.
D)ethnic group.

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