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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.When did Yoshiko say she truly realized how different she was?
A.when she started school
B.when she took a train trip across the United States
C.when she met her mother's pen pals
D.when she went to Summer Vacation Church School

2.What was the high point of their train trip for Yoshiko's mother?
A.crossing the Mississippi on a barge
B.going to the world's fair in Chicago
C.the visit to Cornwall, Connecticut
D.the visit to Washington, D.C.

3.What was one of the Japanese customs that made Yoshiko feel humiliated?
A.celebrating Doll's Festival Day
B.singing Japanese folk songs
C.using Japanese phrases to thank her mom for the meal
D.her mom greeting people with a series of bows

4.What was Yoshiko and her sister's attitude toward learning to read and write Japanese?
A.They didn't want to learn Japanese because that would make them seem more different from their white classmates.
B.They didn’t want to go to school to learn Japanese, but they asked their parents to teach it to them at home.
C.They usually spoke Japanese with their parents, so they didn't see any need to study it further.
D.They wanted to learn to read Japanese, but they were not intersted in speaking it.

5.What did words such as buhn-buhn and chirin-chirin refer to?
A.They were names given to the dolls that Yoshiko's mother owned.
B.They referred to materials used at school.
C.They were kinds of prayers said before meals in Yoshiko's house.
D.They referred to the sounds that specific household tools and implements made.

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