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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What was special about Toby that distinguished him from others?
A.He was able to tell who could fly and who could not.
B.He was well-liked by the Master.
C.He was born in the United States.
D.He did not have any problems working in the fields.

2.What happened when the young woman with the baby first started to fly away?
A.She rose right away, free as a bird.
B.The baby was able to fly ahead of her.
C.She was a little clumsy at first, but then she felt the magic.
D.She flew easily with the baby on her back.

3.Why did the ones who could fly end up doing so the next day?
A.When they saw the woman fly to freedom, they wanted to go too.
B.Many were falling from the heat, and the Driver was whipping them.
C.After the woman left, Toby told the others to plan to do the same the following day.
D.The Master said he was closing the plantation, and they thought they would be killed.

4.Why didn't Toby take everyone with him when he was flying from the plantation?
A.Some of them did not want to go because they had children that were at other plantations.
B.They were going to go the following day.
C.The Overseer and the Driver were able to hold them back.
D.Some of them could not fly, so they would have to run away.

5.What did the Master and the Driver think when they saw what happened?
A.Neither of them said anything because they were in disbelief.
B.The Master didn't say anything, but the Driver said it was magic.
C.The Driver didn't say anything, and the Master said it was a lie, or a trick of the light.
D.Both of them told the story to owners of other plantations.

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