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Unit Assessment

Part 1: Key Reading Skills and Literary Elements

Read the following passage from “Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad.” Then answer question 1.

She had to take them all the way to Canada. The Fugitive Slave Law was no longer a great many incomprehensible words written down on the country’s law books. The new law had become a reality.

A.Harriet and her group are going to have a hard time getting into Canada.
B.Canada must not have had laws forbidding fugitive slaves to settle there.
C.I wonder if Harriet Tubman knew how to get to Canada.
D.Harriet Tubman had once been a victim of the Fugitive Slave Law.

Read the following passage from “Daedalus and Icarus.” Then answer question 2.

For Icarus, these cautions went in at one ear and out by the other. Who could remember to be careful when he was to fly for the first time? Are birds careful? Not they! And not an idea remained in the boy’s head but the one joy of escape.

2.Which sentence illustrates a prediction based on this passage?
A.There seems to be opposition here between Icarus and his father.
B.Icarus must have been the type of boy who hardly every obeyed his parents.
C.Icarus is going to get into trouble for not paying attention to the cautions he was given.
D.Icarus seems very excited about flying but does not seem to be interested in hearing what the dangers might be.

3.Comparing involves finding how things are similar, and contrasting involves finding how things are different.

4.The person or force that stands in the way of the main character is called the protagonist.

5.What is the difference between theme and plot?

6.Identifying the elements of a selection and their relationship to each other is called _______ a passage.

7.The struggle between opposing forces in a selection is called _______.

Part 2: Vocabulary
For the following questions, choose the word or phrase that best defines the underlined word.

8.The senator spoke with eloquence.
A.forceful persuasion
B.great anxiety
C.intense joy
D.obvious sadness

9.Ms.Gately induced the students to cooperate with the PTA.
D.asked permission for

10.The clerk lost his job because of his obvious incompetence.
B.pride in his work
C.inability to do the job
D.attention to detail

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