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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What does the speaker say it is not a good idea to do in the pond?
B.row a boat
C.try Olympic-medal spins

2.What caused the fish to be "spilled like oil spots down the highway"?
A.There was a huge flood.
B.The water in the pond receded.
C.The pond water had been pumped to the buildings.
D.The rain had stopped for too long.

3.Why did Grandpa decide to stop driving?
A.He was losing his eyesight.
B.He had been in an accident when he was visiting Uncle Miles.
C.He had lost his driver's license.
D.He wanted to give his car to his grandson.

4.Why did the speaker see water on the windows of the house?
A.The firefighters were trying to prevent the house from catching fire.
B.The house had caught on fire.
C.The house was between the fire pond and the barn.
D.There was a thunderstorm.

5.The neighbors helped the family after the fire in all these ways EXCEPT by
A.bringing food.
B.bringing extra farm supplies.
C.holding on to the four horses that had escaped.
D.tearing down the old barn.

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