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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to Robert Brooks, some teens with low self-esteem
A.tend to have only a few good friends.
B.would rather have friends that make fun of them than be ignored.
C.tend to put others down or get them into trouble.
D.would rather not have friends than put up with people that make fun of them.

2.Patricia Calderon won the Julie Inman Courage Award because Hint
A.She was taking care of her mother who had broken her neck.
B.She managed to overcome a broken home and stay in high school.
C.She made it through college, paying for it herself.
D.She did not give up her efforts in high school, though she was helping out at home because her older sister was dying of leukemia.

3.A hardship that Shania Twain faced was
A.having to leave home when she was very young.
B.not having any family at age 21.
C.losing her parents at an early age.
D.not being able to attend school.

4.According to the selection, examples of ways to be resilient would include all of the following EXCEPT
A.asking the teacher for study questions after doing badly on an exam you thought you had done well on.
B.pursuing your college career even though you were accepted only at a school that was your third choice.
C.continuing to be a good sport and trying even harder even though the referee had made a bad call.
D.ignoring the e-mail of a divorced parent who wants to meet with you.

5.What has the speaker learned about being able to "fly"?
A.The wind will help him fly, so he doesn't have to climb the mountain.
B.He will be able to fly only if he climbs the mountain.
C.He has to be strong enough for the wind to carry him over the mountain.
D.He has to settle for a while before he can use his wings.

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