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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.According to the selection, what is one reason for building skyscrapers? test the limits of the human mind add variety to a city sky line help solve the problem of overcrowding in cities add value to city property

2.How did September 11, 2001 change the view of builders about building skyscrapers?
A.They decided to build shorter and wider buildings.
B.They had to think more about constructing buidings that could survive threats of terrorism.
C.They had to think about the fact that people may no longer want to rent space in tall buildings.
D.They decided that concrete was not the best material for building skyscrapers.

3.One of the ways that architects and engineers have thought of to protect buildings from collapsing is
A.using the same kind of concrete used to protect buildings in areas with earthquakes.
B.building them with the same number of floors as those in places that have frequent earthquakes.
C.using a type of concrete that contains fireproof materials.
D.building them with shatterproof glass that can withstand high temperatures.

4.What might make a building stronger and more stable?
A.a steel core down the center of the building
B.steel columns around the outside of the building
C.concrete columns down each corner of the building
D.a concrete core down the center of the building

5.According to the selection, what is one of the questions for which builders are working to find an answer?
A.Why do buildings collapse so easily?
B.Can sensitive laser machines find harmful chemicals before they even reach a building?
C.If the top floor is in flames, is there a way to still save the people on the middle floors?
D.Is there a way to detect a bomb or airplane approaching a building?

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