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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.At the beginning of the selection, what evidence is given of a major climate change in the past 100 years?
A.There are new species of animals cropping up.
B.Global temperatures have risen a little more than half a degree Celsius.
C.Plants that survive only in warm temperatures are starting to appear.
D.Biologists and ecologists are finding flooding in many parts of the world.

2.According to the selection, one effect that a warmer climate has on mountaintops is that
A.snow melts more quickly and causes flooding and avalanches.
B.plants move their way up the mountain.
C.trees at the top of the mountain die from the heat of the sun.
D.the trees on mountaintops are moving their way downward.

3.What do skeptics say to scientists who think that global warming is being caused by burning oil, coal, and other fossil fuels?
A.that we are still in a "Little Ice Age"
B.that scientists are wrong in the way they are measuring the temperature of the globe
C.that the effects of global warming are not as disastrous as scientists and ecologists are claiming
D.that the same factors that caused extreme changes in climate in the past could still be at work now

4.Which organisms face the grimmest future if global temperatures begin to increase?
A.organisms that live on mountains
B.trees that end up moving beyond the natural tree line
C.organisms that live closer to the bottom of mountains
D.organisms that live on islands surrounded by mountains

5.One reason pikas would have a hard time surviving with increased global temperatures is because
A.they cannot survive among shifting tree lines.
B.the vegetation that they eat would die out.
C.they don't move much and would have trouble moving to cooler places.
D.they cannot survive if other species crop up around them.

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