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Unit Assessment

Part I: Key Reading Skills and Key Literary Elements

1.Which of the following statements demonstrates faulty reasoning?
A.If we don’t do something about global warming now, our forests will all burn up before our very eyes.
B.As long as we continue to practice segregation, even when laws forbid it, it will be very difficult to achieve harmony in society.
C.Recycling paper and aluminum will contribute to decreasing the amount of trash building up in landfills.
D.If something is not done about the unhealthy eating habits of many children, we will see more and more conditions caused by vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrition.

2.Which of the following statements shows persuasion by emotion?
A.We have been able to increase funding for school libraries, but the money still does not match the amount spent yearly on computer labs in the schools.
B.Statistics show that a majority of children between the ages of 12 and 16 are left at home without a parent or guardian at least until 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
C.I have been working with the Food and Drug Administration for fifteen years, and I can tell you that the average American diet does not meet nutritional requirements.
D.If you care about the future of your children, you will join in fighting juvenile crime on our streets.

3.If an argument cannot be proven, it is usually safe to say that it is opinion and not fact.

4.An author shows bias when he or she states an opinion.

5.What are three ways to apply the skill of clarifying when reading a selection? ____, ____, ____, ____

6.____ involves stopping from time to time to go over what you’ve already read and to remember and organize important ideas.

7.If an author tries to show why he or she is trustworthy, he or she is trying to persuade by appealing to ____.

Part 2: Vocabulary
Choose the letter of the word or phrase that best defines the meaning of the underlined word.

8.His persistence paid off.
B.refusal to give up

9.Working hard is indispensable if you want to succeed in life.
A.a good quality to have
D.absolutely necessary

10.The students were skeptical of the results of the experiment.
B.upset with
C.interested in
D.surprised at

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