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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.At the beginning of the story, why was the speaker nervous?
A.It was her first day of high school.
B.She did not know anyone.
C.She had clammy hands.
D.She had gotten lost on the way to homeroom.

2.Why did the speaker sit next to the girl with spiky blue hair?
A.She did not know her.
B.She had gone to junior high with her.
C.She was a friend from the summer.
D.Ms. Larsen told her to sit there.

3.What did Ms. Larsen say that stayed with the narrator all day?
A."These next four years will be monumental."
B."Read hard so that you may be successful."
C."Choose your path wisely."
D."Welcome to high school!"

4.Why was the narrator late for math class?
A.She had stayed in homeroom to finish her homework.
B.A group of students had blocked her way in the hallway.
C.She had arrived late for school.
D.Her teacher had asked her to stay behind.

5.What reaffirmed the speaker's goal to get a good education?
A.her teacher's advice
B.her friend Meg's comments
C.her experience with the African American girls
D.her parents' support

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