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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.What was Geneva doing at the beginning of the story?
A.stirring preserves
B.swinging on an old swing
C.working in the garden
D.preparing lunch for Dad and the boys

2.How was Aunt Elvera related to Mama?
A.She was Mama's aunt.
B.She was Mama's sister.
C.She was Mama's sister-in-law.
D.She was Mama's cousin.

3.What did Geneva look at while she was riding the Ferris wheel?
A.the floor of the car
B.the Grand Basin and the Festival Hall
C.the other people in the car
D.the wind pumps

4.At the fair, Geneva saw all these things that told of the future EXCEPT
D.moving pictures.

5.What was the last attraction Geneva and Mama saw at the fair?
A.the Ferris wheel
B.a parade
C.the floral clock
D.Will Rogers performing rope tricks

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