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Selection Quick Checks (English)

1.At the beginning of the story, where were Douglas and his family coming from?
A.the shoe store
B.a restaurant
C.the park
D.the movie theater

2.What did Douglas's father think Douglas should do?
A.wear the sneakers from last summer the new shoes on credit
C.go buy the shoes the next day
D.go barefoot

3.What did Douglas dream that Mr. Sanderson was doing?
A.He was trying on each pair of shoes in the store.
B.He was straightening up his shoe store.
C.He was making deliveries in town.
D.He was sampling candy at the candy store.

4.What did Douglas ask Mr. Sanderson to do? try on a pair of sneakers give Douglas the sneakers on credit give Douglas a job selling shoes run around town while wearing the sneakers

5.How would Douglas pay what he still owed for the shoes?
A.He would get a job at the candy store.
B.He would work in the shoe store.
C.He would make deliveries for Mr. Sanderson.
D.He would get a job at the post office.

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